Supplier Portal

Help your suppliers help themselves with a self-service vendor portal

Supplier Portal Iya
“Have you received my invoice? When can we expect to be paid? What is the status of my invoice? Where’s our payment?”

Suppliers have questions, and your finance team can have the answers ready for them. With many companies now using global suppliers with different languages and working in different time zones, supplier portals bridge the communication gap for your AP team.

What is Supplier Portal?

Supplier portals are a proactive solution for communications, vendor onboarding, and supplier information management.

Self-service vendor portals can be integrated with your ERP system and a SaaS AP automation software for data synchronisation resulting in greater efficiency, significant cost reduction, and scalability. It's the communications, convenience, and control you have been searching for to quickly ensure everyone gets what they need.

Why make the switch to a Supplier Portal?

We understand that businesses rely on maintaining professional relationships, and the relationship between buyers & sellers is a foundation for business success.

With our Self-Service Supplier Portal, suppliers can submit invoices, view invoice status, flip purchase orders, check payments, and manage their master data.

Our vendor portal works seamlessly with your ERP, CRM, ECM, and LOB systems, and best of all, it’s easy to get started.

How will it benefit
my business?

Increase accuracy by dramatically reducing data entry errors

Go paperless and eliminate lost paperwork

Save time on interrupting phone calls and emails

Overcome the traditional friction related to sending invoices and requesting payments


Offer visibility to your suppliers with a supplier portal to keep everyone on the same page, at any time, in any language.
Supplier portals provide updates regarding payment approvals and remittances and proactively email the supplier status or notify them of issues related to their payment.

Manage Purchase Order, Invoice, and communications with your supplier.
Purchase to pay
Real-time analytics to gain visibility over organisational spending.
Save time
Suppliers can save time and flip your purchase orders into invoices.
Keep the terms of your supplier contracts visible so that price and payment terms are consistent.
Ease of use
Easy onboarding of new suppliers.
Advanced Analytics
Monitor shipping status and track deliveries.
Prompt Payment
Impress suppliers with a commitment to prompt payment.
Become Top-rated
Become a top-rated buyer and leverage supplier discounts.



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What is Supplier Portal Software?

A Supplier portal, also known as a vendor portal, is a secure internet-based eProcurement solution that allows companies to manage and connect with 3rd party suppliers of goods or services.

What does a Supplier Portal System do?

The system removes the manual effort required during the procurement process by automating most tasks that would typically have to be completed manually by both the company and the supplier. It provides suppliers with a purchase order system that makes their job easier while providing updates to the company ERP without all the manual hard work. The portal allows the supplier to confirm the PO, conveniently add delivery dates and related invoices and keeps a log of each event associated with the PO.

What is the main purpose of a supplier portal?

The primary purpose of a portal is to reduce time-consuming manual tasks like providing copies of documents, invoices, statements, reminders, and data updates and automating aspects of supplier management like onboarding and updating account information.

How does my supplier benefit from the portal? Is it more work for them?

Portals provide both supplier and buyer with a single, shared data view. The portal offers the ability for suppliers to perform self-service inquiries online whenever they need to know the status of expected payment. It provides a lens into the buyer's ERP system. Questions that otherwise would have required a time-consuming phone tag game can now be answered with a few mouse clicks. Portals also provide an online resource for buyers to communicate changes to contact details, routing guides, and business processes to the supplier community. Historically, these changes had to be communicated to each supplier through direct mail, phone conversations, or vendor conferences.

Do you need any equipment to run a supplier portal?

A supplier portal is a SaaS-based hosted solution, and there is no need for hardware or infrastructure to run this system.